Simple part time full time jobs
List simple part time full time jobs
And there is no time limit no targetdaily by spending 2-4 hrsyou have to copy and paste in company websitesjob description 1search the data from the given websiteswhen your data inserted successfully on the websites, work is completed
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
part time / full time jobs8000 full time -- rswanted urgent manager and marketing executives16000 vivethan technology contact: 99421 15399, 63699 24802qualifications: any degree - freshers or experiencelocation: sankarankovil, rajapalayam, tenkasi, kovilpatti, viruthunagar, puliangudi, surandai, valliyoor, sivakasi, kanyakumari, tirunelveli, thoothukudi
part time & full time job online/offline home basis job urgent8,000 � 40,000/- every month part time or full time online work easy and flexible timingfor more details call me now
Bhubaneswar (Orissa)
Required 50 candidates for part time full time job register no target no boss no pressure for work no time bounding
Available part time / full time work at top m
Tfg vacations india pvt ltd provided home based work part time / full time / home based job available
part time / full time / home based job available
part time / full time/ home based internet work
Tfg vacations india pvt ltd travel service provide part time / full time / home based job available
Work from home part time/ full time no experience required age above 18+ contact on 8 six 99 five 16 six 95 8 six 99 five 15 four 24
₹ 350
Required bds doctor of part time/ full time for running clinic before 30 years in ludhiana, contact
Or send your resume at pm international school sarai kazi crossing, garh road, meerutrequired pgt accounts (part time/full time) walk in for interview on tuesday () between 10 a
Even physical training will be provided for all candidates before starting up your workcall for more information contact nowthe list of sites and other tools will be provided by the companythe work is to advertise our company worldwide with the help of free online tools like guidance kitprofessional candidates are required to work under our company
Work part time/full time at your flexible hours without disturbing your current occupation
Registered company hiring for part time workers
Registered company - we have limited vacancy in promotional partonly interested candidates can call us regards prince bansalanyone can apply right awaythe candidates who have basic knowledge about computer and internet
Vserv discovering jobs (a part of senseworkz) e-mail id: vserve / diploma (especially mechanical/production/industrial/civil/eee/ece/e&i) & all stream candidates for our client concerns, for who seeks part/full time jobs), fresher /experience (yrs), your location & seeking jobs at specific sectors/departmentsinterested candidates seriously seeking jobs please use this splendid opportunity and make a growth in your flattened lifecom & call/whatsapp +91-8428595370 for gulf/uae jobseekers: gulf job advertisements updates - very first step in gulf jobs search - job campaigners/followers - specifically for civil & mechanical department jobseekers @ free of costalternative mail id (at least two), 2 mobile no’s - working conditionjob preferred location (place of interest), specify 5 cities, & inform us, if you would like working abroadnotify in need of same sector job(fresher’s/experienced) mail subject line should consist of: your name, graduated department (civil/mechanical/accounts etclive job opening information includes – interview venue, address, mail references/ phone numbersgulf/uae -(civil/mechanical/logistics/accounts/hr admin/drivers/welders/construction workers/fmcg/projects/production/facility, utility planners/purchase/stores/piping/safety/natural stones/oil & gas/it/fabrication/steel structures/qa/qc/ quantity surveyors etcthis can’t be found elsewhere in a single gowe are ex- bits & anna university professionals having diversified departmental working experienceautomotive, heavy industrial, etcwe will provide you with current exisiting & live job openings to your mails @ free of costyou can trust on our education & experience rather than any of the consultants since we have a practical exposure of all things going around in the job marketspecifically we are experts of 5 -10 yrs experienced recruitment personnel’s providing you the best state of the art services using data driven technologies that will help you with precise results) & indian jobseekers - engineering, diploma (mechanical/production/industrial/civil), all stream – fresher’s/experiencedjobseekers: wanted brequired documents: updated cv (if photo attached will be appreciated), academic certificates scan copy (starting from 10 th standard to maximum graduation), professional status: working/ not working/ seeking job (fresher/experienced), recent passport size photograph, passport copy (if available – front & back side copy), working sector preference (specify min
S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
jobs available for part timers and full timers alsowe are looking for individuals who can promote our business platform neither only on internet nor on offline as part time/full time & provide customer service to people across indiacontact us more detailsall interested candidates can call us right away
full time jobs qualification 10th (or) 12th (or) degree (or) diploma (or) engineeringjobs in chennai 2020 for bpo jobs full time jobs in chennai - leading company jobs offer both female more details call us yamuna-hr 73053 and 23220top companies jobs offer both freshers (or) experiencedwalkin interview with latest resumebest salary in top companiesmore details call us yamuna-hr 73053 and 23220 salary 13k - 18k location: nungapakkam timing: 6am to 1pm good in communication skill must
Urgent requirement for telecallers (female) minimum qualifications:- sslc part / full time & work from home / officegood communication skillsfreshers & experience basic computer knowledgepreferably telesales / sales experience make outbound telephone calls to prospective customers, qualifying the opportunitygenerating leads through extensive web research, cold calling ensuring that lead targets are met and processing new leads to the sales team
We urgently require candidates for online full time promotion work in tourism
Decision-making skillexcellent communication and leadership skillgood computer skillorganizational and time-management skillin-short- knowledge of performance on social media
Salary: 25,000/- per month + incentives targets: 3 approved leads per month job type: part time / full time25,000/- and aboveurgent requirement for call center executives job position open for you with starting salary package of rsoptions: work from home / officeinterested please contact us as soon as possible, we have limited positions availablejob position: call center executive / online marketing executive job role: lead generation online and appointment fixingplease send your resume to email: cruzenprojects@gmailcom, ph: 9346151876 / 8919507665
Looking candidates for part time/ full time vacancy training will be provided by the companychennai candidates can only applylocation:- maduravoyal for more details contact soon
Salary- 6000 to 10,000 company – part time / full time job sector qualification – any graduates with (fluency in hindi & english) job provided by- the unitechcontact to this nosalary payment structure: daily / monthly basiswe will provide complete training with material to start the workvacancies for all graduates posting place – bhubaneswarbasic internet knowledge is mustno experience required
Lalbahadur Nagar (Andhra Pradesh)
Global industrial services all types of degree & graduate, engineer degree & be degree, iti & 4th to 12th,graduate & technical qualification now job available all types of official & company roll job international & domestic (bpo call center job) softwaer & technical skill it job part time / full time job available add-sco no- 020 64100788, 904 9999 234 call me at: 9049999234op bank, chandan nager, pune-41101447/5a,old mundhva road, sai nagari,above satav auto works, 1st floor office noshivajirao bhosale co
Lalbahadur Nagar (Andhra Pradesh)
Town hall public inter college, sector-k aliganj urgently needed convent educated part time/ full time pgt for physics and biology for isc (inter)contact- mob no
Our company hiring a fresh candidate skill- basic computer knowledge part time full time & home basis apply nowunited capital club tourism services pvt
Vacancy available part time/full timesalary up to 20kno sale no target