Pubg controller

List pubg controller

  • pubg controller (l1, r1) totally workingyou can check before buying

    ₹ 250

  • New pubg controller in low pricefully in new condition not yet used

    ₹ 450

  • Evo gamepad controller android pubg,asphalt,mc all android games supportedcall me at nine four three five seven nine two three one eight

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    ₹ 120

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  • Games included: 1) ghost recon wildlands 2) pubg 3) halo ) battlefied 1 5) metal gear solid vstill under warrantypurchase date: feburaryit's as good as new

    ₹ 20000

  • Games included: 1) ghost recon wildlands 2) pubg 3) halo ) battlefied 1 5) metal gear solid v 6) fifa 18still under warrantypurchase date: feburaryit's as good as new

    ₹ 21000

  • My game pubg

    ₹ 1000

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    ₹ 500

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    ₹ 350

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    ₹ 200

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    ₹ 5000

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    ₹ 600

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    ₹ 200

  • Qr code link to this post i am looking for a help with my pubg mobile 10 year banned account

  • No normal cell phone inside the real mobile starter controllercontroller automatically cut the call and switch on/off the motorreal mobile starter controller do not disturb the existing setup of the startermake a simple remote connection wiring between the existing button starter and real mobile starter controllercontrol motor/pump from any part of the world using this gsm powered controller from your on-hand mobile phoneother than administrator or user nobody can control motor even anybody tries to access real mobile starter controller 2now you can switch on/off motor/pump from your mobile phone by sending sms or making a missed call to the real mobile starter controller note: any one can switch on/off manually in existing starteruser can use any gsm network sim cards(vodafone, aircel, airtel etcpreset timer to start automatically by that time and off automatically“power back” notificationauto cut-off) 7switch on/off motor through missed call or smsworks in single phase, two phase or three phasesend back acknowledgment message to the user like “motor-on” after switch on motor and vice-versa to offover head tank water level control (iecheck the live status of motorhow it works? 1working as an auto starter5hp to 20hp motorsadministrator can add upto 4 users(mobile numbers) to control motortake complete rights to your mobile phone


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    ₹ 500

  • Ps3 used controller 499 ps3 new sealed controller 999 ps4 controller xbox one controller paytm accepted, cash on delivery

    ₹ 499

  • Manual on automatically motor off controller 3shine tech automatic water level controller 1fully automatic motor on / off controller 2all types of controller sales service and installationwater tank over flow indication alarm

    ₹ 2500

  • Xbox controller newps4 controller usedps3 controller 250 used and new with warrantyps4 ps3 xbox controller new and used at the lowest pricebest offer price guarantee

    ₹ 230

  • Each controller for 2 move controller also available

    ₹ 2500

  • Automatic water level controller praisefeatures; dryrun protection high volt/low volt cut off double motor controller any motor controller 1 year warranty

    ₹ 2500

  • Ps2 with one controller, one controller is lost

    ₹ 3000

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