List orifice
Controller (pid), piston, orifice remove, barrel cleaner, orifice cleaner, scoop, combined weight of 2this instrument measures the rate of extrusion of molten resins through a die of specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature, load, piston position10°c, accuracy: + 0ambient to 300°c 2specification: instrument with following accessories will be supplied digital stop watch, tempfor more info: http://tensiletestingmachineutmcom/melt_flow_index_tester
Study of pipe fittings 2 fm 102 orifice & mouthpiece apparatus 3 fm 103 bernoulli's theorem apparatus 4 fm 104 friction in pipe lines apparatus 5 fm 105 notch apparatus 6 fm 106 metacentric height apparatus 7 fm 107 impact of jet on vanes apparatus 8 fm 108 nozzle meter apparatus 9 fm 109 pipes in parallel 10 fm 110 hydraulic bench with accessories 11 fm 111 reynold' apparatus 12 fm 112 pitot static tube apparatus 13 fm 113 helical coil apparatus 14 fm 114 equivalent length of pipes 15 fm 115 pipes in series 16 fm 116 venturimeter, orificemeter & rotameter apparatuswe provide the finest quality fluid mechanics laboratory equipments to the customers across various regions as per their given requirementstamilnadu educational instruments mrwe also provide the clients with timely delivery of fluid mechanics laboratory equipments within pre determined time periodmanikandan s mob- fluid mechanics laboratory equipments are efficiently manufactured by our companywe are deal fluid mechanics laboratory equipments in our factory