Official verbal review books
List official verbal review books
Gmat official guide book gmat official guide verbal review book both books in plastic cover sealedselling due to change of mind
₹ 2300
Gmat official verbal review guide by gmac, very thorough gmat prep material with lots of practice questions and all quant + verbal conceptsonly genuine buyers contactprice non negotiablebook in unsed condition
₹ 1000
official guide gmat and og verbal review (both) excellent condition
₹ 900
Og set of manhattan books og verbal review soft copy sc grail and many more
₹ 5000
Gre official verbal reasoning new, sealpack,second edition
₹ 400
official gmat edition books for sale with times guide books
₹ 1000
Two official gmat guide books - 1review (question bank) excellent condition, almost new, with on-line question bank access code
₹ 1500
Gmat official book set (official guide , verbal review and quants review)
₹ 2000
2 4) princeton review books 5) princeton review starter kit1) ets official gre 2) ets official toefl vol1 3)ets official toefl vol
₹ 2000
Gre-1 gre-2 books by jamboree with extensive course material on quant and verbalets gre verbal reasoning book with practice questionsets gre official guide book with mock testsrecently gave my gre examonline test with cd includedmore than 10 test in gre-1 and 20 test in gre-2 6very effective and revenant for gre preparations
₹ 2250
Gmat official book with princeton review material official gmat review with cd 13th edition and notes and books from princeton review
₹ 500
Sealed gmat official guide review with cd and online access code
₹ 1450
The official guide for gmat review and manhattan complete set of 9 books including quant and verbaloriginal price inr ! price negotiable!!
₹ 1000
Gmat official guide math guide verbal guide all books in excellent condition can courier the books to other location alsoprice slightly negotiable
₹ 2500
Manhattan gmat 5th edition original plus manhattan foundation math plus official guide plus verbal review
₹ 3000
Also includes manhattan verbal guide in print formatofficial guide for gmat with unsctrached coupons (300 practice questions published by gmac) with all three booksin brand new setit is for free with the gmat guide set
₹ 2000
Com provides the study material for gate exam civil engineering and contains the syllabus of verbal ability, reasoning ability, verbal reasoning which includes series completion, analogy, classification, coding-decoding, blood relations, puzzle test, direction sense, logical venn diagrams, alphabetical quibble, mathematical operations, logical sequence of words and decision making etccom provides the study material for gate exam electrical engineering and contains the syllabus of chapter wise analysis, general aptitude, verbal ability, numerical ability, engineering mathematics, technical section, mock tests and solved papersemail us at: support@examduniafor more details: httpswwwcom contact number: 044 4265 5644com/books/216002/graduate-aptitude-test-in-engineeing-gate-civil-engineering-exam-books surabookscom/books/215999/graduate-aptitude-test-in-engineeing-gate-electrical-engg-exam-books contact details: 1620 j-block, 16th main road, anna nagar, chennai - 600040, tamilnadu, india
official gre verbal reasoning practice questions indian edition volume 1
₹ 500
official gre verbal reasoning practice questions volume 1 book
₹ 400
Gre official guide + quant + verbal (negotiable)
₹ 800
Untouched, unused (with plastic cover) gmat official review - new edition (green colour one) available for rsactual price is on any website(got 2 copies by some reason, hence selling one)
₹ 1200