Full time be btechengg
List full time be btechengg
Part time and full time job for fresher s candidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishwe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationrequired training will be given to the candidatecandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: slenas 9159258883 9159258884the candidates should have basic knowledge in computer
Part time and full time job for freshers candidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishwe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationlenas lenas: - 9159258886required training will be given to the candidatecandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: sthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computer
Part time or full time jobs in gopalganj part time or full time jobs in gopalganj part time or full time jobs in gopalganj part time or full time jobs in gopalganjpart time or full time jobs in gopalganj
Part time & full time job online/offline home basis job urgent8,000 � 40,000/- every month part time or full time online work easy and flexible timingfor more details call me now
Bhubaneswar (Orissa)
full time and part time driver's wanted who serious candidate's only msg or call me pls fallow terms and conditions full time and part time driver's wanted who serious candidate's only msg or call me pls fallow terms and conditions
This is a mca approved company and providing full time job opportunitiesyou have to work few hours at office or at home alsoincome will be provided to you on monthly basis
Required 50 candidates for part time full time job register no target no boss no pressure for work no time bounding
(bpo) people can work in part time and full time laxmi nagar hiring for freshers in bpo call center we wanter urgent required call center candidates male /females freshher and exprience with good communication skills in english & hindifor more info call ms kanika 9540479744work place: delhi / ncrhiring immediately for more informationsalary: 8000 to 12000 k
Delhi (Delhi)
Available part time / full time work at top m
Tfg vacations india pvt ltd provided home based work part time / full time / home based job available
Part time / full time / home based job available
Part time and full time and home based internet work
Part time / full time/ home based internet work
Tfg vacations india pvt ltd travel service provide part time / full time / home based job available
Work from home part time/ full time no experience required age above 18+ contact on 8 six 99 five 16 six 95 8 six 99 five 15 four 24
₹ 350
Part time and full timepan card required)to weekly payouts() monthly bonus upto (smart phone
₹ 15000
Required bds doctor of part time/ full time for running clinic before 30 years in ludhiana, contact
M international school sarai kazi crossing, garh road, meerutor send your resume at prequired pgt accounts (part time/full time) walk in for interview on tuesday () between 10 a
Part time or full time job available with salary of 10000-15000 pauthorised company
Requirement- full time/part time tele callers with good communication skillsfreshers can also applycall- एसी-619(m)
Ltd providing part time/full time job opportunity to freshersshirgul rudra tourism pvt
Part time or full time office work salary 15000to30000 basic computer knowledge online digital marketing promotion work no target no field work hoppoo lifestyle india pvt ltd company work in 17 field like travel, tourism, insurance etc
Required accountant full time having computer skills and one auto cad operator for part time, salary negotiable
Part time and full time shift applicable on work7984230293 send your cv on 7984230293dear all, we are looking for enthusiastic person to recruit candidates and promote businessapply here for more informationwe are searching some hardworking individuals
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
A complete set for this image and full time worranty
₹ 18500
full time seo consultant can manage websites simultaneouslythey can perform various task, such as on page & off page optimization, social media optimization, managing ppc and optimization content of your site
full time seo consultant can manage websites simultaneouslythey can promote their company website in a cost effective and natural search engine optimization technique