A part time or full time job
List a part time or full time job
part time or full time job available with salary of 10000-15000 pauthorised company
part time or full time job mobile nolook at a part time or full time job for 5 star hotel cash payment as per choice rs91-9540990901 e-mail- stuwardservices500 intrested candidate contact me and ucc tourism services pvtcom whatsapp on available 9540990901
Lalbahadur Nagar (Andhra Pradesh)
part time or full time jobs in gopalganj part time or full time jobs in gopalganj part time or full time jobs in gopalganj part time or full time jobs in gopalganjpart time or full time jobs in gopalganj
part time or full time office work salary 15000to30000 basic computer knowledge online digital marketing promotion work no target no field work hoppoo lifestyle india pvt ltd company work in 17 field like travel, tourism, insurance etc
part time and full time job for fresher s candidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishrequired training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computerlenas 9159258883 9159258884candidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: s
part time and full time job for freshers candidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishrequired training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computercandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: slenas lenas: - 9159258886
Ltd providing part time/full time job opportunity to freshersshirgul rudra tourism pvt
This is a part time or full time commission based job and the chosen candidates will be working as lic agents and selling life insurance policieseligibility: educational qualification: 10+12 age: 18 years and above for further details contact: manvendra singh (development officer) lic of india m0bile noits world s largest and india s only public sector life insurance organisationcom note:this ad is for gurgaon, sohna road, sohna and mewat, onlyserve the nation and people through a great rewarding career#9871848533 email: manu3065@gmailjoin as life insurance advisor with life insurance corporation of india
One day come office best company easy way to income many members join the company many opportunity created company
₹ 300
It is the work of promoting not like salesman and u don't have to promote a product we tell u how to work all the details will given in the meeting contact me 7550444228
Invite friends and get started by working together in our office or at your spacefor more details contact usan excellent opportunity for home workers! working online would be so hassle free
job position: data entry executives job type: part time or full time qualifications: any basic graduation experience: fresher to 1 year age: above 18 years requirements: system / laptop with internet connection skills: basic system knowledge + internet surfing salary: 9500 + incentives location: kodambakkam, chennai
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Sms sending job /copy paste job/ ad posting job /ad clicking job, facebook jobs any student, house wife, worker part time and full time work more info contactdata entry job / copy paste job / sms sending jobsearn par day 500/- up to 2000/- daily work in internet & mobile 1 - 2 hours and you get monthly income rsno 94o472and4674, 95525829and80 web site -mydrim40000/- per month (daily payout) simple online and offline work
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Sms sending job /copy paste job/ ad posting job /ad clicking job, facebook jobs any student, house wife, worker part time and full time work more info contactdata entry job / copy paste job / sms sending jobsearn par day 500/- up to 2000/- daily work in internet & mobile 1 - 2 hours and you get monthly income rsno 94o472and467440000/- per month (daily payout) simple online and offline work
Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir)
Sms sending job /copy paste job/ ad posting job /ad clicking job, facebook jobs any student, house wife, worker part time and full time work more info contactdata entry job / copy paste job / sms sending jobsearn par day 500/- up to 2000/- daily work in internet & mobile 1 - 2 hours and you get monthly income rsno 94o472and4674, 95525829and8040000/- per month (daily payout) simple online and offline work
Kochi (Kerala)
job position: data entry operator (part time and full time) qual: any graduates gender: male/female age: 18 & above exp: 0-1 / fresher also welcome skills: basic system knowledge + internet searching more details mona
₹ 15000
Online work do part time or full time sms sending work we provide you online part time work of sms sending and viewing advertisement banner of different companieshowever your average income of viewing a banner will be rsfor more enquiries call/whatsapp:-+91 96533-69oooyou will get a iyou just have to see the advertisemet banner for 30 secondsyou have to see the advertisement banners of different companies and send already type messages on the different numbers14 lac+ visitorsthe data of different numbers will also be provided by the company on the websited through which you have to work on the company websiteabout company: 18+ years old companyyou can do this work from your mobile/computer/laptop through internetan iso 9001:2008 certified company 95000+ users200+ mncs associatedhelpline: 09653369oooyou will also get income from sending sms on different numbersthere are different rates of viewing banner
Ashoknagar (Madhya Pradesh)
9597117808 you can work in lap/mobile/tab etc work wherever u want no need to come to office govt reg company with proper trainings and supporti working time (your flexible timing)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Required training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computerlenas 9159258883 9159258884candidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishcandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: s
For more details please contact us in the following: suresh 81100-81136required training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computercandidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishcandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new things
Required training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computercandidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishcandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: slenas lenas: - 9159258886
For more details please contact us in the following: antony 81100-81132 81100-81131required training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computercandidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishcandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new things
Required training will be given to the candidatewe have immediate openings for female data entry operator for our organizationthe candidates should have basic knowledge in computercandidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishcandidate must be open minded and willing to learn new thingsfor more details please contact us in the following: slenas 9159258886
Candidate must know computer operation, internet surfing, basic photoshop and englishcandidate must be open minded and willing
(bpo) people can work in part time and full time laxmi nagar hiring for freshers in bpo call center we wanter urgent required call center candidates male /females freshher and exprience with good communication skills in english & hindihiring immediately for more informationfor more info call ms kanika 9540479744salary: 8000 to 12000 kwork place: delhi / ncr
Delhi (Delhi)
part time and full time and home based internet work
part time and full timepan card required)to weekly payouts() monthly bonus upto (smart phone
₹ 15000